
Rescheduling a Wedding?

Then you'll know it's a stressful experience, to say the least! With help from a bride who's been there (aka yours truly!) and other experts in the industry, these 10 top tips will see you through:


Take a deep breath. That sounds simple, but your mind can run away with you and it soon feels like everything is on top of you. If a deep breath doesn't calm it, wait to start at a time you feel more calm. You can do this! But make sure you're kind to yourself as you go.


List ALL your 'to dos'. Even the tiny, seemingly insignificant ones. Your mind's gonna feel like a whirlpool until you clear that beautiful head of yours OUT.


Then start prioritising. You're going to need to tell everyone; and it's probably best to start with the venue and other suppliers, THEN friends and family. Personally, I did it over a few days so it didn't feel QUITE as gut wrenching...


The next priority is to identify potential new dates. You may or may not be restricted - write down ANY date you'd be prepared to get married on - but I'd recommend not compromising. i.e. if you don't want to get married on a weekday, don't write them down - this is still your big day and it can still be perfect. Write this out as a visual aid.


Speaking of which, you may want to colour code your suppliers so you can indicate on that visual aid which dates they can and can't do and then easily see what aligns. It may be you have suppliers you want to rearrange around and others you're not so attached to - that's good to bear in mind and make a note of too.


Bear in mind that suppliers are doing all they can to accommodate postponements right now, but they need to make a living too. If you make the decision to cancel them completely, you may lose your deposit. Be prepared for that so it doesn't come as a nasty shock.


Celebrate your 'would have been' dates. God knows we all need a reason to smile and have fun right now, and that is the perfect opportunity! You don't need your wedding day to celebrate your love for each other - get some bubbly in and mark the occasion!


As soon as you have a new date - tell people!! As above, everyone needs something to look forward to right now and your wedding is the perfect remedy for that. And make sure you reset your own countdown and start looking forward to it again.


Look for new ideas to keep your planning exciting! For example, you could look in to creating your own flower (or alternative!!) arrangements if your florist or stationer isn't available - what a GREAT bridal party/family activity AND you'd be learning a new skill. Or start a scrapbook, a 'one second everyday' until your new date,


Remember, all this means is that you have got longer to get super excited about marrying the love of your life and having an incredible celebration with your loved ones! They are feeling this right alongside you and it's going to be the BEST day for you all.


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